Sunday School Activities

The Sunday school department is responsible for the following activities every year.


easter sevice youthSunday school Sundays every three months: The members of the Sunday School are responsible to plan the execute Sunday morning worship service.


sunday school programmeSunday school Easter programme: The programme is held the Sunday before Easter Monday in the afternoon.


bun eating picnicAnnual Easter picnic: This is held every year during Lenten season on Easter Monday. Members of the Sunday school participate in a day filled with activities, fun food and fellowship.


harvest 2011

Thanksgiving Harvest Service: Members of the Sunday school also participates in the church’s annual thanksgiving harvest service held in the summer.


christmas programmeAnnual Christmas programme: The Sunday school also puts on an annual Christmas Programme to commemorate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ held the Sunday after Christmas Day.

Bible QuizSunday school Bible Quiz: The Sunday school now hosts an annual Sunday school Bible Quiz. The quiz competition is divided into two areas the junior competition and the senior competition. The winning team receives a trophy that is kept for the year.